“Ride the Money Train” is a phrase that is now used to refer to the idea of making money online. The phrase suggests that, just like riding a train, making money online is a journey that requires effort and dedication, but can also be a reliable and consistent way to increase one’s income. Some people use the phrase to encourage others to take advantage of the opportunities that the internet provides for earning money, such as through e-commerce, affiliate marketing, and online advertising. However, it’s important to be cautious and do your research before investing money and effort into any kind of online venture.


Not a financial adviser & this is not financial advice. This Information is shared as a hobby and for fun. Do no act on anything you read or see, it’s all for fun.

A money train was one or more railcars used to collect cash fare revenue from stations on a subway system and return it to a central location for processing. This train was typically used to carry money bags guarded by transit police to deter robberies.

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